
Professional Custom Essay Dedicated To Student Culture


Essay Dedicated To Student CultureThe study of student cultures begins in American sociology in the 1940s and 1950s. The idea that the student population is divided into types is very old. In the XIX century, this theory was much propagated. However, in the 1940s – 1950s, this idea gets the scientific basis which is a sociological theory of structural functionalism that was on the issue of the day during this period.

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The central idea of ​​structural functionalism according to Parsons is the possible divergence between motives, values ​​, and norms. There is a social system created from norms, which, in turn, form institutions. There is a culture that is created from values ​​and sets superior ideals with individual psychological motives.  All the motivations, values and norms should be confirmed with regard to social rules. Otherwise, it turns out that there are institutions and people who are well aware of how they work but do not know why they work. Attention the students, we have an essay for you on the critical thinking skills development. Do not miss it! Just follow the link

The application of this idea in the political culture is widely known. If there is no political culture, then simple faking of these institutions can lead to the fact that these will not function as expected. The same constitutions of the United States and Argentina did not lead to the same political systems in these two countries. Parsons (American sociologist of the second half of the 20th century) explained this outcome in such a way: the institutions may be the same, but the values, norms, and culture are different. This idea is easy to apply in the field of higher education. The behavior of students is determined not only by the institutional framework but by aspirations and intentions that inspire students. Attention! Those who want to buy argumentative essay with a considerable discount should do it immediately. This week every customer who placed an order with argumentative essay will get a 20% discount! 

Usually, people with very different aspirations can coexist in the same audience. From the first year, these people are attracted to each other, and sometimes they sit together. On the first desks, there are always students who are intended to study painstakingly, write down every word professor says. Other desks are for those who want to stay out of the professor’s sight. It happens both at school and university. Thus, friendship appears in the relationships of the students. Such warm relations appear only among people connected with a single purpose, or a mindset or interests or goals, etc. You can buy a research paper online in one click! Just press on the button “place an order” and your paper will be written by professionals. 

The most famous typologies of student cultures belong to Clark and Trow. They divided students in college according to the following features: interest in college life and intellectuality of interests and aspirations. Students who highly appreciated college life and had intellectual interests and goals usually are diligent and bright. They spend a lot of time in the library studying. Since the American College is an entirely isolated community, far away from their hometown, such students created a group united by common interests and values. provides around-the-clock admissions essay help for all the visitors. Hurry up to have your paper done!

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The scientific subculture was opposed by another one, which also highly appreciated college life, but was not intended to study hard and their grades were not something vital to them. These students were hanging out. However, since the life of an American college is at the same time isolated from the other world and more enliven, they also hang out on the territory of the college and dedicated most of their time to this activity. They went in for sports, competed with neighboring colleges in various kinds of games, organize parties and dances. If the college was purely male or female, the students actively participated in the life of nearby colleges of the other sex. They were interested in studying only in order not to be expelled from college and keep hanging out with their friends. Most of our readers are students or future students and even those who do not know whether the university is worth it. In this article, we want to share four benefits of higher education. We hope it will help you to make this hard decision.

Another category of students was very motivated and interested in studying, but at the same time, it wasn’t connected to the college and his life and was not involved in discoveries, inventions and learning something new. This is a vocational group of older people who came to the university to study. As a rule, they did not have friends in college. They could voluntarily rent housing in a nearby town without living with fellow students in the college house. These people just wanted to get their degree without participating in the life of the college. Every student knows that is best essay site on the internet!

Finally, there was a subculture of students not interested in college life but with a vast range of interests. These people grew long hair and went to Woodstock to listen to rock & roll. Their parents sent them to college, but they felt that their decadent culture was out of their interests, and their real life will start once they leave college behind. Nonetheless, they kept abreast of the ideas of their time and discussed Sartre, Kerouac and Timothy Leary. Most of them are presented today on the lectures on sociology. What do you know about hippies? They were something more than just a subculture who preferred to wage war against violence and smoke weed. Read an article dedicated to the life of hippies, and you will find out why.

Since the idea of ​​student cultures and their relations with institutions was on the issue of the day on1960s, a large number of studies gave rise to similar typologies which partly depended on the features of the college. For example, Newcomb did not find students in the women's liberal college who was vocationally-orientated: girls who went to such a college were not supposed to be vocationally-orientated at that time.

However, students who were oriented to the external world were divided into two groups. One group associated itself with the college but had broad intellectual interest. Another one was interested in parties, but college parties were not good enough for them. They dreamt of something their college authorities considered vulgar and inappropriate. It was regarded as a distinct challenge for the social understanding of morality. This is the only website that provides cheap proofreading service for students with such high quality. 

The development of new typologies of the students

The typologies similar to this one continued appearing. The latest versions in America included a group of activists who are not very interested in studying, but very interested in social justice. The hippies of the 1960s were partly reborn into the people who experienced sexual harassment and other types of violent behavior on campus. In general, such typologies well explain the aspirations in the American student population, but they are not always easy to apply to other cases. It is time to order grammar and punctuation proofreading if you want your paper to be perfect.

Another possible typology will be more useful if one tries to use it to compare American students with the students in other countries. It points to the benefits of higher education. In its most expanded form, it begins with an opposition between the reasons for having a higher education without being connected to a specific situation. If you just got to the college in the abroad and you do not know the language at all, our writers will help you. Read our essay on the easy ways to learn foreign language

Some people graduate because it provides many benefits and privileges. This is an excellent opportunity to decide what to do in the future and what path to choose. In certain counties, higher education even provides an apartment and a good scholarship. These opportunities are provided to the people who are still hesitating about their future. Higher education is an opportunity to get adapted to the future life, and future challenges since college or university education slightly remind the real life.

In addition to the group of students who want to get higher education only because of the benefits it provides, there is another group of students who want to get college or university education as experience and knowledge since they consider it necessary in the future. This category, in turn, is divided into two groups: some students focus on class advantages, while others focus on professional ones. Sometimes these categories coexist, although it depends on different types of the higher education system and a wider range of functions it performs in the society. There is no need to have a lot of money to have all your assignments done. There is an affordable essay writing service from for you.

Some universities support the idea of class privileges. For example, during some period these were Oxford and Cambridge. Aristocratic young people went there not to study, but to spend some time with young people of their kind. They lived together to get necessary professional and personal connections since the highest positions were guaranteed. They were members of the highest league because they already knew everyone.

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Even when higher education was introduced to the North American colonies, it was an issue of the class and had nothing to do with education. Do you know that there were thirteen colonies in North America? On this website, you will find out the locations of all the colonies in North America. In the XVII century in Harvard, the only kind of people who studied at universities were clergymen. All others had other goals not connected with education and knowledge. Moreover, they did get much of the education there since it was based on classic literature, Greek and Latin languages, and sometimes fencing and riding. We are confident that you need to get professional paper editing service at

To some extent, it was a perfect education system that could have existed for centuries. The only problem was lack of support from the government and thus, lack of financial support. However, only wealthy people could afford to study at the university. Therefore, these universities could exist without any external financial support. Order college application essays writing service with a huge discount! Our services are affordable for all the customers.

A different group of students considers university to be a source of all the necessary knowledge and skills which will help to get the job they want and succeed. Both class-oriented and vocationally-orientated students get a certain amount of knowledge, even the representatives of the highest league. However, they also get a significant social advantage as personal and professional connections. Do you want to buy academic essays online for cheap? Sign up at!

Communication can be even more important than knowledge. This is one of the reasons why online education won't be able to replace a traditional one. It is possible to replace paper books and textbooks, but it is impossible to replace actual communication. The last feature has already been considered as a more important feature than knowledge in XVII century since information could have been obtained from different sources.

Student cultures allow the professor both to systemize the students into several groups in accordance with their features and intentions and customize an approach to the studying and develop education system in general. The so-called donation of the students allows the universities to exist without external financial support. The changes in student cultures can change the entire education system of a particular college or university. Moreover, the students can even customize universities. For example, the University for the Wealthy Students would provide experienced professors to make lectures more interesting. Nevertheless, they won't start to appreciate education and knowledge.

The university that teaches students who want to get knowledge and skills should hire professional professors that have experience and reputation that goes far beyond the university walls. The students who are intended to get a good education expect to have the best professors, and they go to the university with this very purpose.

A wave of vocationally-orientated students, which appeared in American universities, led to so-called the American Academic Revolution. Universities began to look for outstanding professors because it was the only thing that could attract students who wished to study medicine and engineering. The scientific achievements of professors became crucial for the university. For a professor, getting a job at a university is now the easiest thing to do because of fame outside of it. The best professors with an exceptional reputation and scientific achievements could get an excellent salary and a lot of other benefits.

Such a shift in intentions of the students let to the total restructuring of the university management system and balance of power. According to the traditional system, there was a head of the university authorities who decided whether to hire or to fire professors. However, with these changes, the professor could demand a higher salary, lifetime contracts and an opportunity to influence all the university affairs and even threat the authorities with the quitting from the university. It was a strong threat because most of the universities were waiting for the opportunity to hire a professor with a big reputation. Do you know what are the best universities in the world right now? We want to help you to make your choice if you still hesitate. This is the list with additional recommendations and tips for future students.   

For several decades, the balance of power in American higher education system has been radically rebuilt: professors have turned from hired staff, who had no actual influence at all, into the primary controlling element. However, this process was triggered not by their achievements, but due to a change in student motivation, because their accomplishments have become important in the frame of a new education system. What kind of teacher should you have? What qualities should such a person possess? This and other questions we are about to answer in our essay on the qualities of the excellent teacher

Serious changes in student cultures change the university policy much faster, more radical and more reliable than government policies. The government tries to replace students with their ability to customize the university policy but usually does not cope with this task.

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